Wednesday, 16 November 2011

Lac Napleon 1

What a trip this turned out to be. The crew that was on this trip was my son martin brother andy and a good friend who we had been on loads of trips with Merv. We always travel on a friday so we get to the lake nice and fresh saturday morning. We had done all that traveling threw the night on past trips and you just spend most of the saturday trying to catch up on sleep so we now do it friday's.

We met our host and had the rules pointed out to us before the walk around the lake once done we all picked our swims me and martin picked a swim that could take both of us easy. To be honest the swims was the best swims i have ever seen with Wooden gazebo's for a cooking area and all the swims wood chipped
Martin choose to fish to the left had side of the lake and i fished the other side as we was sat on a kind of point i was fishing into a bay but because the fish held up in snags the baits where placed tight to them. we never new it was snag fishing when we booked to go something that none of us had done before so it was a 1st for everyone.

After 2 days the 1st fish came to martin but due to the way he was fishing the snags by the time he got to the rods the fish was already in the snags. They was just to fast with him so tight aganst it was one after the other of lost fish and it never got any better for him over the rest of the week He fished different parts of the lake but it was just not working out for him and to add injury to insult we both took turns in fetching the breakfast that was being made for us each morning. It was the tuesday morning both looking forward to the bacon and egg in french breadstick and martins turn to go get them. At napleon they give you pushbikes to get around on so off he went he got to the next swim where my brother was when his left hand rod went into melt down I hit into the fish and the fight was on within minutes martin had hread the buzzer and was stood next to me gutted 3 days with out a fish in the net this one did the right thing and ki8ted to the right out towards the middle of the lake. I told martin to take the rod but there was no way he was taking it as far as he was concerned it was my fish But i didnt want to claim it too.

After a 10 minuate battle the carp went over the cord and it was massive could this be a new french pb for me and martin. It did turn out to be a new pb for both of us it went on the scales at 52-14 a stunning mirror It was hard pill to swollow for both of us but thought as it was my last french trip i would have a piccy with it because it could be the biggest carp i will ever hold or so i thought.