I thought that i had blown my chance of a knipton fish when my brother phoned me and said that Antony from ajs fisheries had invited me back on a guest ticket i over the moon. We made arrangements to fish the next bank holiday which was August. I fished the same swim because after reading the catch report book it had been throwing a few up in the last few weeks plus it was easy to get your gear round there too as you can drive to the swim drop your stuff off before parking the van in the carpark.
We did 2 nights the 1st was very quite and the second not being much better to be honest. The fish are very shy at knipton and don't show that often so the sights of carp are very scares indeed. The only show we did have was when i spotted what i thought was a lose buoy only a small one which was heading up the lake towards us which was very strange because the wind which was not strong was blowing down the lake away from us. But this buoy was bobbin a long nicely as my brother was in the next swim to me i walked round and told him about the orange buoy that was coming towards us Although it had been a few minutes since i had spotted it i still had not clasped what it really was. My brother started to laugh as he was telling me in fact it was a local woman that swims the 40 acre lake on a regular occasion.
She had not seen us tucked up in the trees in the swims we was in because as she made her way out of the lake she stood on the porch of the lodge to dry herself down and peeled her swimsuit off there she was stood in her birthday suit drying herself down oblivious to the fact that we stood watching from the other side of the lake be rude not to now wouldn't it not.
At 7.00am i was up and about with a fresh brew on the go when the right hand rod pulled up tight held for a moment or two before the bobbin dropped back to the floor nice i thought as i sipped on the hot cup of tea. Then the right hand rod gave a single bleep intresting i thought i had fish moving threw my swim and seemed to be have a little taste of the bait that was down there. All went quite for 10 minutes or so when the bobbin on the right hand rod slowly tightened up to the rod butt the rod tip was pulling round and i could see that the fish was hooked i grabbed the rod and pulled in to it That's the bit the carp did not like it shot down the lake to my left trying to pick up the middle rod's line as it did so but i was not having any of it so i bullied it away from the line and started to get line back of the carp that had my hook in it's mouth.
The fight did not last long and it was soon in the net a nice dumpy mirror laid in the bottom of it and as i left it in the net to rest Andy came walking in to my swim asking if i had had one. We weighed it at 28-06 took the photos before slipping back the mirror. Revenge was sweet and i was happy to no that i had banked a carp from a water that i had blanked from previously.
But my happeness soon changed to sadness because as we packed away the rods and put the gear back in the van ready for the off i had the radio on in the van when the news came on and the tragic news came of the death of marco simoncelli a motogp rider that had been killed at the start of the race at the Malaysian MotoGP in Sepang at the age of 24. Both me and andy have been folowing the motogp all season and we was real fans of the young rider and had watched him come threw the ranks to be such a great if not a little crazy rider. So i would like to dedicate this chapter of the blog to marco simoncelli may he rest in peace.