What a wet and horrible weekend we have just had it never stopped raining all day friday. Lucky for me when we got to
wellingborough lakes at around 8.00pm the heavens finally stopped its downpour just long enough for us to set up the bivvy's and get the rods out before it started again.
With just singles being put out for the night it was not long before the kettle was on and a brew was made Before getting in the sleeping bag for the night. I was up early saturday morning just after first light only to watch the lake disappear slowly behind a thick fog so i went back into the sleeping bag for another hour or two. It was a little after 11.30am when the hanger on the middle rod slowly tightened and started its merry dance as line peeled from the spool. I was in after its first run and i stopped it dead in its track's the fish boiled to the top before it dived down trying to get its head in to the weed. But i held tight and pulled hard and kept it out after that it was soon under the rod tip and was plodding back and forth before it was netted. It was another stunning common with a back as black as coal they are stunning the fish in welly that's for sure.

That was the last of the action for a few hours till i was sat chatting with my brother when his left hand rod burst into life and he was soon into the fish which turned out to be a lovely looking stockie mirror of around 10lb. After telling my brother that i had never had a fish at night at 10.10pm my left hand rod was in melt down by the time i had got out the bag put my shoes and coat on and hit the run i felt it go solid it had made it's way into a weedbed. After trying to get it's head up with out success the only thing i could do was put the rod down and wait. It was 20 minutes before it started to take very small amounts of line i sat on my hands waiting for it to take a run for it. I must have fallen asleep because when i did open my eyes it was daylight i new right away that there was no chance the fish was still on i had another go at putting the pressure on but it was still solid and i never felt anything from the fish he had slipped the hook. I now no that the very small movements of line was the fish getting rid of the hook.
All though the wind got up and the rain started to come down again which made it impossible to pack up so we just sat and waited for a break in the weather before finishing the weekend with no more fish. Still it was a good weekend despite the weather and am looking forward to getting down there again soon hopefully to bag a autumn 30 who knows.
Stay lucky till next time